This page is designed to help answer some of the most frequently asked questions that have been raised on the forum.
You may also want to investigate the feature-highlight section of the site as it deals with in-depth reviews of specific features and may help you better utilize the player.
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- Why doesn't Zoom Player remember its DVD Decoder Settings?
- Why doesn't Zoom Player include DVD Decoder filters?
- Why doesn't DVD Playback work?
- Why does Zoom Player say it is "Unable to initialize the DirectShow interface"?
- What causes the "Key exchange for DVD copy protection failed" error?
- Why do DVDs start and instantly stop after switching audio/video decoders?
- Why does my video go Blank / Black after several minutes?
- Why do I get an error when trying to Play a DVD?
- I want to build my own DVD Profile, how do I go about doing that?
- Why doesn't the WinDVD Audio decoder filter remember its setting?
- Why am I having unexplained problems with DVD playback?
- Where do I select my DVD Drive letter?
- How do I play a DVD from my Hard Disk?
- Why do I lose Audio Sync under Windows 2000/XP using an MAudio Sound card?
- How do I get the CineMaster decoder to connect to FFDShow?
- Why do DVDs stop playing after switching DVD decoders?
- Why does a DVD stop instantly when I try playing it?
- How do I make Zoom Player my Default Player?
- How do I make subtitles show up with Zoom Player?
- Why do some MP3 files play badly (or show a wrong duration)?
- How do I play CD-Audio?
- Why won't the rate slider and Fast Play / Slow Motion work well with certain Media Files?
- How can I control the SVCD/VOB aspect ratio?
- Why do SVCD files show zero length?
- Why won't VOB files play properly when I have an MPEG-2 decoder filter installed?
- Why does the video image appear inverted (upside-down) in media mode?
- Why doesn't Zoom Player play my Burnt SVCD discs?
- How can I play AVI files with AC3 Audio?
- Why do I only get Audio Playback with certain Media files?
- Why can't I select the audio track on an AVI that contains more than one audio stream?
- What are the Media Filter Files and how do they work?
- Why does Zoom Player crash when used with my Terratec or Game Theater sound card?
- Why does Zoom Player crash when playing the next track (same as above)?
- How can I use a non-default sound card for Audio Output?
- How can I add a new extension type so it'd be listed in the Navigators and Open Dialogs?
- How can I play Multi-Audio tracks in a VCD file?
- How do I know Smart Play is working properly?
- What is the best way to setup a multi-monitor display?
- I'm using a 16:9 display and watching 4:3 content, why is the top/bottom of the screen cropped?
- Why doesn't the OSD and Control Bar function when StayOnTop is enabled in Window Mode?
- Why do I see non-black color outside the video area?
- What's the difference between Fullscreen and Zoom modes?
- Why doesn't the Color Control work for me?
- How do I set Zoom Player to open the video at 200%?
- How can I change the entries on the Right-Click Context Menu?
- How do I remap the keyboard so Zoom Player would use my own buttons?
- How do I control Zoom Player using a Remote Control?
- Why do I only hear audio and no video is visible on my TV-Out?
- Why can't I see any OSD on my TV-Out?
- Where is that sneaky Skin Selection Dialog?
- How can I make more file formats show in the Open dialog and Navigators?
- What is the difference between the Professional, Premium and MAX versions?
- What is this DirectShow I keep hearing about?
- Why will certain Anti-Virus software claim Zoom Player is infected?
- How can I control Zoom Player through windows messages?
- How do I control which data is saved to DVD / Media definition files?
- I want to make my own skin, how do I go about doing this?
- Why do I have problems playing a file again, after leaving Zoom Player idle for a long while?
- Where can I find/submit Zoom Player skins?
- How do I backup my user settings (or move them to another system) ?
- How do I get rid of the flickering/tearing on my Radeon when using the VMR9?
- Why am I only seeing black when playing on TV or a second monitor?
- How do I add Zoom Player to the Logitech iTouch keyboard?
- How do I automatically mount CD/DVD Images using Daemon Tools?
- How do I run Zoom Player with two different configurations on the same system?
- How do I use Circle Surround II (CSII) in Zoom Player?