One of the great benefits of using Zoom Player is it's ability to position the video anywhere on the screen while providing
a color background (usually black to prevent brightness bleeds). This allows you to cut down on the usual overscan you get
when outputting video to a TV set.
If you don't know what overscan is, read this
To position the video area, use the arrow keys to change the top and left positions of the video.
Using the ALT-Arrows keys you can resize the width and height of the video area.
Using the +/- keys (optionally with Ctrl and Alt held to control a specific Axis) you can
Zoom the video area IN/OUT.
You can further automate this process by using the Resize Navigator (Shift+"S").
And lastly, using the "R" and Shift+"R" keys, you can cycle through the various Aspect Ratio Modes.
When playing DVD content, while the DVD is in a menu, the Arrow keys are used to navigate the menu.
In these condition, if you need to reposition to video, use the Shift+"Arrow" keys.
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