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Actions to take when the screen is UNDOCKED on a "2 in 1" convertiable laptop :
Some laptops may have a detachable screen or they may connect to a docking station with an external screen. This setting controls the actions Zoom Player takes when a screen is undocked.

Actions to take when the screen is DOCKED on a "2 in 1" convertible laptop :
Similar to the setting above, just triggered when a screen is docking.

Actions to take when Tablet Mode is ENABLED (in Windows 10 or newer) :
Windows 10 introduced a new Tablet mode layout for the operating system. This setting controls the actions Zoom Player should take when Windows enters tablet mode.

Actions to take when Tablet Mode is DISABLED (in windows 10 or newer) :
Similar to the setting above, just triggered when Windows 10's tablet mode is disabled.

Actions to take when a second screen is ATTACHED :
This setting controls the action Zoom Player takes when a new screen is attached to the computer.

Actions to take when a second screen is DETACHED :
This setting controls the action Zoom Player takes when a new screen is detached from the computer.