Use Media Title if Available (Replacing the file name)
Zoom Player reads Media TAG (meta-data) information from supporting Audio and Video files. With this setting enabled and Zoom Player identifying a "Title" TAG, the media Title is used instead of the media's file name in the playlist interfaces.
If no Media Title is found, try using media library scraped title
When adding a file to the playlist (which happens when you play a media file) that does not contain a title, try looking for a title in the previously scraped media library cache. This can be a performance hit when working with large playlists (over 1000 entries) on a regular basis.
If no scraped Title is found, try using the parent folder's scraped title
If no scraped title is found for the media file, try checking if the parent folder has been scraped. This action is especially useful when playing movies, but can be a performance hit when working with large playlists (over 1000 entries) on a regular basis.
Hide Playlist entry numbers
By default, Zoom Player numbers each entry in the playlist editor. By enabling this setting, the playlist editor will no longer display the entry numbers.
Hide Playlist media duration (length)
By default, Zoom Player tried to extract a media's duration and display it next to the media's title or file name. By enabling this setting, the playlist editor will no longer display the media's duration.
Hide File Extensions
This setting controls whether file extensions (".AVI" for example) are visible in the Playlist editor.
Show Search Box on the Playlist Editor
The Playlist editor has a small search box at the bottom. This setting control if the search box visibility.
Remember Playlist items when Exiting the player
When enabled, Zoom Player will save/restore the active playlist when closing/running.
Remember the last played item when saving / loading (ZPL) Playlists
Enabling this setting ensures that the previously playing media in a playlist will resume once the playlist is re-loaded and played.
Opening file / folder from the user interface clears the Playlist (otherwise append to the list)
Usually, when opening a new file (using one of Zoom Player's open functions), Zoom Player will clear the playlist. If this setting is Disabled new items are appended to the end of the playlist.
Appending files into the Playlist plays the new track
With the setting above set to Append files rather than clear the playlist, enabling this setting instructs Zoom Player to start playing the newly appended files instantly (instead of just queuing the files).
Opening files externally (Command Line / Explorer) clears the Playlist (otherwise append)
When opening files from external programs, this setting controls whether Zoom Player clears the playlist. When this setting is disabled, Zoom Player will append the files to the end of the playlist.
Do not parse ".PLS" playlist files (let directshow filters do the parsing)
When enabled, Zoom Player will not try to read and parse ".PLS" playlist files (used mainly in SHOUTcast streaming) and instead pass the playlist file directly to directshow. This is useful if you only use ".PLS" playlists for SHOUTcast streaming.
Do not check if a file exists when adding to the playlist (loads faster, breaks sort by size/date)
When adding a file to the playlist, Zoom Player first checks if the file actually exists. This is a safety precaution, but under some conditions (certain network configurations), it may not be able to identify if the file exists properly. In such cases, you may want to disable the file check. Checking if a file exists also takes a bit of processing time, something you would only notice when dealing with large playlists. Enabling this setting enables faster loading of large playlists.
Support folders as playlist entries
Zoom Player can support entire folders as playlist entries, but when this setting is enabled, loading such a playlist can trigger an HDD spin-up (if the HDD was spun-down for energy saving). By disabling this setting you can make sure that no HDD will spin-up when loading playlists (must be combined with the 'do not check if a file exists when adding to the playlist' setting above).
Disable loading embedded playlists
Prevents loading a playlist specified within a playlist. Loading playlists from within playlists can cause stability issues such as infinite loop freezes and is disabled by default.
Continue to the next Playlist item when an invalid file is played (otherwise show error)
By default, Zoom Player will show an error dialog when it fails to load a media file. With this setting enabled, Zoom Player will skip the error message and try playing the next media in the playlist.
Continue to the next Playlist item when erasing the playing file using the del key
When using the del key to erase the currently playing file with this setting enabled, the player will automatically play the next playlist entry.
Move the Playlist Editor display to follow the currently playing media file
When enabled, Zoom Player will scroll the Playlist editor file listing to make sure the currently playing file is always visible.
Screen-Center Playlist when switching to Fullscreen / Zoom mode
When enabled, switching to fullscreen or zoom mode while the playlist editor is visible centers the playlist editor within the fullscreen area.
Auto-Hide the playlist editor when entering fullscreen mode
When enabled, the playlist editor dialog will automatically hide before entering fullscreen mode.
Auto-Show the playlist editor when exiting fullscreen mode
When enabled, the playlist editor dialog will automatically appear after exiting fullscreen mode.
Auto-Sort playlist on load
When loading playlists (other than the default playlist that is saved when restarting the player), the newly loaded playlist is sorted automatically based on the selected sort type.