Safe Mode (disable functionality unsuitable for inexperienced users)
With safe mode enabled, dangerous navigation functionality is hidden away. Any functionality that can cause damage (erasing/moving/copying files for example). If you are building a home entertainment system where inexperienced users have access, you may want to enable this feature.
Disable Main Navigation interface access from other navigation interfaces
When enabled, navigating to the left Left from other navigation interface will no longer bring up the main navigation interface.
Disable Function menu access on all navigation interfaces
Several of the navigation interfaces have a function menu, which is accessible when navigating to the right. This setting controls whether the function menus are accessible.
Copy / Move operations should overwrite existing files
Some of the navigation interfaces (Media Library, File Browser for example) have the functionality to copy/move files. This setting controls whether copied/moved files overwrite existing files with the same name at the target folder. With this setting disabled, existing files will be skipped.
"Del" key moves media files to the recycle bin (with confirmation)
By enabling this setting, Zoom Player will prompt you to erase the currently selected media when pressing the Del key.
Pre-load navigation graphics (improves load time on SSD drives, requires more system memory)
When enabled, a thread process is created in the background that pre-loads the fullscreen navigation interfaces graphic files without affecting load-time performance (the thread is run at 'idle' performance). This ensures that navigation interfaces open instantly at a cost of approximately 120mb of system RAM.
Highlight previously viewed files
In combination with the "Remember media position" feature, this setting enables special highlighting in the media library and file browser navigation interfaces that will highlight files that were previously played. There is a slight performance impact when viewing massive file lists (over 10000 files).
Highlight folders with previously viewed files
When enabled, folders will be marked as 'seen' if they contain a media file that has played previously. This setting requires the "Highlight previously viewed files" and "Remember media position" settings enabled.
Auto-select last viewed file/folder on entering a folder
When enabled, the active entry in automatically selected when opening a folder. This feature requires that play history's "save last play time" setting is enabled.
Opening the media library always select the playing media, even when browsing elsewhere
With this setting is enabled, opening the media library will always try to display the currently playing file. This means that if you open the media library, browse elsewhere, close and re-open the media library, it will snap back to display the currently playing file (does not have an affect when playing streaming content).
Treat the "Play" function as "Open Media" or "Enter" (file, media library and other navigators)
When enabled and the play function/button is used while a fullscreen navigation interface is visible, the action taken is either "play the highlighted media" or "press enter on the highlighted entry".
Treat the "Stop" function as "Close any open fullscreen navigation interface"
When enabled and the stop function/button is used while a fullscreen navigation interface is visible, the fullscreen navigation interface will close.
Show media content specific to the media library's category type
This setting controls whether the media library lists content that matches a category type (Audio/Video/etc) or shows the content based on the media library filter.
Show File Extensions (playlist, file browsing and media library navigators)
This setting controls whether Zoom Player displays (or not) file extensions (".AVI" for example) within the navigation interfaces.
Show File Sizes (file browsing and media library navigators)
This setting controls whether Zoom Player displays (or not) file sizes within the navigation interfaces.
Show media duration in list view mode
When enabled, the media's duration will appear to the right of the media's title in list view when available.
Show Subtitle files (file browsing and media library navigators)
This setting controls whether Zoom Player lists (or not) subtitle files within the navigation interfaces.
Show Archive files (file browsing and media library navigators)
This setting controls whether Zoom Player lists (or not) archive (zip/rar/etc...) files within the navigation interfaces.
Show Text files (file browsing and media library navigators)
This setting controls whether Zoom Player lists (or not) Text (txt/nfo/etc...) files within the navigation interfaces.
Show Hidden files (file browsing and media library navigators)
When enabled, Zoom Player will list files/folders that are marked as "hidden" by windows.
Show "Media Scanner" (media library navigator)
When enabled, a "Media Scanner" entry is added to the media library's category page, allowing you to create new media library categories or add additional folders to existing categories.
Show "Remove category folder(s)" (media library navigator)
When enabled, a "Remove category folder(s)" entry is added to the media library's category page, allowing you to remove folders from categories or completely remove a category.
Show Extended Controls in path area
When enabled, A "Delete media" and "Function menu" icons are added on the right-side of the fullscreen navigation path area.
Show unplayed counter in media library's path area
To show how many files remained unplayed within a media library's folder, enable this setting.
Show media scraping indicator in media library's path area
When enabled, an icon and media counter is displayed in the media library's path area during scraping operations.
Show Media Icons in media library
When enabled, icons representing the format, codec, video resolution and audio channels are displayed in several key positions within the media library.
Show "Previous Folder" in the main file list (file and media library navigators)
If disabled, the "Previous Folder" entry is not added when entering a category's sub-folder.
Show "Play all files in this Folder" in the main file list (file and media library navigators)
By default the "Play all files in this Folder" function is part of the function menu when navigating to the Right with a media file highlighted. With this setting enabled, the "Play all files in this Folder" function is made accessible at the top of navigation file lists.
Show "Randomly play all files in this Folder" in the main file list (file and media library navigators)
When enabled, a "Randomly play all files in this Folder" entry is added to the file browsing and media library fullscreen navigation interfaces. This feature is very useful to quickly play random music.
Show TV series name when scraping TV episodes in JukeBox mode
When enabled, the full show's name is used as a prefix for scraped TV shows, for example "My Show S01E01 Episode Title". When enabled, only the meta-data information is used, for example "S01E01 Episode Title".
Confirm when resuming playback from previous position
When playing content from a media library TV or Movie category, this setting controls whether you'll be promoted to resume playback from the last played position or play from the start.
Use keyboard input to quickly search and enter data through navigation interfaces
With this setting enabled, keyboard input is used to quickly search through the active navigation interface. When disabled, keyboard input is used to control Zoom Player functionality (play/pause/etc).
Allow filtering using multiple parameters
Enabling this setting allows you to filter media library categories using multiple different parameters, for example both by "Genre" and by "Tag".
Limit quick search to item-list navigation interfaces (media library, play history, etc...)
When enabled, the keyboard input quick search feature is limited to navigation interfaces that list dynamic entries (such as file names). Interfaces with fixed entries (such as color control, equalizer, etc) will route keyboard input to player control (play/pause/etc).
Clicking the left/right screen edges navigates left/right
When enabled, clicking the left/right sceen edge of navigation interfaces, navigates to the left or right.
The Open function (Button on main UI & Right-click menu) opens the File Navigator
By default, the open function displays a standard windows open dialog allowing you to browse for media files. By enabling this setting, the open function, including the user interface 'open' button and the right-click menu's 'Open' function will display the fullscreen file browsing navigation interface instead.
Close Navigator when opening a new media (playlist, file and media library navigators)
When enabled, opening a new media automatically closes the currently visible navigation interface.
Do not close the playlist and streaming navigators when opening a new media
In combination with the previous setting, enabling this setting will prevent the playlist and streaming home theater interfaces from closing when a new media is loaded.
Disable Scroll Acceleration
By default, Zoom Player accelerates scrolling of navigation list elements. The rational behind this is that most remote controls don't have scrolling capabilities and clicking a "move down" button when working with large lists can be slow and aggravating. For this reason, Zoom Player activates acceleration when clicking the up/down navigation keys quickly. This setting allows you to disable this behavior.
When no chapters are specified in the Chapter Navigator, show the Playlist Navigator
Not all media files contain chapter information. With this setting enabled, opening the Chapter/Bookmark Navigation interface while playing media files with no chapter information, Zoom Player will automatically open the Playlist Navigator instead.
Always sort folders first (file and media library navigators)
When enabled, Zoom Player will sort folders first followed by the files. When disabled, the files and folders will be sorted as one group.
Include sub-folders when playing all files in a folder
This setting controls whether sub-folders should be scanned for media files when 'Opening all files in a folder' through the navigation interfaces.
Nav-Enter on media library category list opens the category at the root folder
When the media library is opened in the category list page, this setting enables what happens when you press enter on a category. With this setting enabled, pressing enter would open the category with the first item in the list active. With this setting disabled, pressing enter would open the category with the previously active item remaining active. In either state, pressing Right on the category list always opens a category with the previously active item remaining active.
Nav-Left goes up a folder before entering the Drive/Category list
By default, Navigating to the Left switches to the Drive List in the File Browsing navigation interface or to the Category List in the Media Library navigation interface. With this setting enabled, the navigating to the Left will first go up a folder until reaching the root folder before entering the Drive/Category list.
Do not show the "Library Filter Mode" page
In the Media Library navigation interface, navigating to the Left in the category list will open the 'Library Filter Mode' navigation interface which filters the media library categories by Audio/Video/Picture/Executable content. If you do not require filtering, or if you use a mouse device to choose the filtering mode directly from the media library interface, enabling this setting removes the media library filter mode page.
Pause playback when opening file browsing interfaces with a video playing
When enabled, opening file browsing navigation interfaces will pause the video. This setting does not affect audio playback.
Right-Clicking with the mouse closes the navigation interface
When enabled, using the mouse's right button on a navigation interface closes the navigation interface.
Route Information navigator keyboard input to player control
When enabled and with the Information navigation interface open, all keyboard input is routed to player control (play/pause/etc...).