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Enable Mouse Wheel Functions
Enable/Disable the functions associated with the mouse wheel motion.

Mouse Wheel Functions
This list allows you to select which functions can be associated with the mouse wheel motion. Mouse wheel functions can be cycled or selected from the mouse wheel navigation interface, making the ability to select which functions are available an easy way to make sure only the functions you use on a daily basis are accessed.

Custom Functions
Custom functions allows you to select two additional functions (for rolling up or down) to be associated with the mouse wheel. Press the "+" key to select a function from the list.

Active Mouse Wheel Function
This is the currently active function associated with the mouse wheel. The active function can be changed through the mouse wheel navigation interface or by clicking on the mouse wheel (if you've selected the middle-click to have this functionality).

Reverse Mouse Wheel Direction
By reversing the mouse wheel direction, all functions associated with the roll down motion are switched to the roll up motion. This is a personal convenience choice.