A few changes have taken place on the 3.0 interface. Older PowerDVD
builds STRAINED when using FAST FORWARD or REWIND. That made using the
JOG-WHEEL speed control rough, as on slower systems, the sudden speed
shifts the wheel provides could freeze the player. Now, the speed
control system has been optimized. The controls work much smoother, and
so the JOG-WHEEL works much better now. Also, for FRAME ADVANCE when a
movie is PAUSED, Cyberlink has added 2 buttons specifically for single
frame forward/backward navigation, on the OSCAR interface, they are on
either side of the main JOG-WHEEL. On other skins, they may or not be
available, as the skin buttons are only what the artist chose, and so
far only OSCAR and SUBMARINE include the frame buttons (small note,
the frame-back button moves to the last keyframe, which can be upto
1-15 frames back).
Another neat visual feature is BOOKMARK BROWSING. I've said in the past
that bookmarking was nice, but hard to manage because most players
simply use NAMES or TIME-INDEX location when you list saved BOOKMARKS.
So, if you have 10 bookmarks saved, you will have to REMEMBER which
Name/TimeIndex takes you where. It's either that or trying them all till you get
where you want to be. Cyberlink have heard these pleas! They
now offer a BOOKMARK VIEWER.
(the image size and colors were reduced for page formatting)
The bookmarks are listed in thumbnails to SHOW you exactly where in the
movie the bookmark points to. WAY COOL! UNFORTUNATELY, on the Test
System I couldn't use the Viewer unless I disabled HARDWARE ACCEL.