"ARE YOU READY FOR A WARRRR?!?!?", was the battle cry in BRAVEHEART.
Where downtrodden Scottish peasants rally behind a leader to challenge
the greatest army in the world. Ultimately...some say...they WON!
For a long time, we have followed the DVD triad of WinDVD, Cinemaster,
and PowerDVD as they fought for the title of SOFTWARE DVD CHAMPION.
Recently though, the battle has tightened. WinDVD continues to build
on their powerful but resource hungry engine, always threatening to
crush their competitors, but never quite able to defeat them.
Cinemaster? The undisputed leader only a year or 2 ago. But recent
Cinemaster players have failed to add anything new? Cinemaster sticks
with an old interface and basic features. Somehow believing that smooth
video and audio is all they need; and that they have mastered this and
their competitors will never equal them? They always played smooth, but
not looking behind is how you get caught...and passed!
Then there was Cyberlink's PowerDVD. Always loaded with features,
always full of neat tweaks; but a step below Cinemaster and WinDVD in
video quality. And Now comes PowerDVD 3.0, with facepaint ready!
Updated and ready to fight! Are they ready? INMATRIX is! With a new
batch of movie tests, run on both a lower end Celeron and a more
mainstream P3. No expense spared, no amount of labor too great!